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Marc Salem LIVE (Penguin LIVE)

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Penguin Live Online Lecture - Marc Salem
An EXTREMELY RARE event featuring one of the the worlds most successful mentalists.
"Marc is not only a long-time friend but is one of the finestmentalists in the world today. He has performed internationally, onBroadway and is a favorite of lay people and professional mentalistsalike. I can't recommend Marc highly enough. He's one ofthe best inthe business. "-Bob Cassidy
"Marc Salem is the Godfather of Mentalism. He is the first performerof our generation to develop a globally successful live show. So if heis going to share some information on creativity, presentations, structure or experience, you better make sure you pay attention. I know Ihave, and would again. Those who can, do. Those who can't, learn fromMarc Salem. "-Colin Mcleod
"Marc Salem is one of the best mentalists around the world. When Marcis lecturing, I listen. I listen very carefully. It's not just theamazing effects he shares. It's the deep understanding of Mentalism andshowmanship. He changed the lives of some attendees from the lastlecture I saw. I wish I heard him 25 years ago. "-Lior Manor
"Marc Salem belongs to the rare group of mentalists who actuallyperform for a living -. And the even rarer group who had hit Off-Broadway & Broadway shows"-Docc Hilford

What will he teach?
It is EXTREMELY rare that Marc Salem lectures or shares his techniques, so we are thrilled that he is coming here, to Penguin Live, to do justthat.
Marc will teach you a few exclusive effects and techniques:
You'll learn proper Swami techniques that you can use whether you're clumsy or dexterous.
Learn to use the weather map page of the USA Today to predict what weather condition someone will think of.
Marc will show you how to predict an item, chosen and priced bythe audience, with a machine PRINTED receipt, yet you don't need tocarry a printer.
He'll also reveal the easiest, but most confounding, Bank Night ever and ... it uses NO GIMMICKS.
Plus he'll share some very bad puns and a surprise or two.
So get ready to learn from an entertainer who has traveled the globeexploring the mind and its potential, Marc Salem, right here, at PenguinLive.

Who is he?
Marc Salem has been a student of the human mind for over 30 years. As anacademic he holds advanced degrees from the University of Pennsylvaniaand New York University, and has been on faculty of several majoruniversities for close to two decades. He is considered one of theworld's foremost authorities on non-verbal communication. How the mindcreates reality and meaning has been his major focus.
As a researcher Professor Salem has traveled the globe exploring themind and its potential. He was a director of research at Sesame Streetstudying the development and nature of the mental process. As anentertainer Marc has performed around the world, astounding andentertaining millions. His show MIND GAMES concluded two extended runson BROADWAY to both critical and popular acclaim. The Sydney OperaHouse, the Edinburgh Festival and Singapore's Esplanade have also hostedextended runs of MIND GAMES.
He has been featured on the The O'Reilly Factor, Montel, Maury, CNN, andhas been a frequent guest on Regis. He has had two network televisionspecials, with more to come. Marc has also completed 3 sell-out seasonsin London. He is a regular guest on Court TV, and was also recentlyprofiled on an astounding 60 Minutes by Mike Wallace.

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