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777: An Aficionado's Collection of Close-Up Mentalism

777: An Aficionado's Collection of Close-Up Mental
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777: An Aficionado's Collection of Close-Up Mentalism

You've never heard of RW Cosley, but many of you know his magic and mentalism alter-ego: "RedDevil."

"777 is an excellent collection of effects. I've had the opportunity to try some of these ideas out in my own show and can say that they are practical and effective. The book demonstrates a solid understanding of the psychology of mentalism and I think that any serious student of the art will find it a valuable addition to his eLibary. Highly recommended." --Bob Cassidy

"Devilish thinking, workable ideas, value for every type of performer...A recommendation from me for a new author and mind that I know that can and will be a contribution for those searching for good knowledge in Mentalism." --Pablo Amira

"I really like this eBook. A dozen routines (plus a few sub routines), all very well thought out and exceptionally well written! All of the routines are workable. You will need a little practice , but it is well worth the small effort you need to put into them. RW Cosley is giving us some new and refreshing ideas, plus some improvements on a few old chestnuts. I am sure we will see his name more and more as time goes on. There is a lot of gold in this book, some of which I will be using. I highly recommend it!" --Tony Razzano

"I have spoken to Robert a few times via Skype and it is very evident that he has a serious passion for this art. This passion is also combined with a talent for piecing together some very nifty routines. For his first book Robert should be very proud, he has not only applied existing techniques and principles to some great routines he has went further to develop his own effects from scratch." --Michael Murray

"The material in this book is all well thought out and workable and there are some very clever ideas in here. The Good Samaritan is a particularly clever piece of propless mentalism. The final chapter is worth the price of the whole book if you are looking for a cueing system, Card Camera is absolutely fantastic and this is something I am definitely going to use." --Mark Chandaue

"I actually told hm to NEVER release this [Good Samaritan] over Skype when he showed me. It's that good! I'm quite upset he has decided to release it since I love it so much!" --Art Vanderlay

"I have marveled at his depth of thinking and approach. In some cases he has taken classic effects and put his own spin on them. In particular I love his Ternbata based on Rich Maue's "Terasabos." Armed with just a few business cards, you have a remarkable effect which is a real delight to perform." --Neil Somerville

“With 777 Robert has put together a great collection of a dozen engaging and fully scripted Mentalism effects which have a bit of something for everyone. The emphasis here is very much on presenting effects that 'matter' and have 'meaning' to the participants which is all down to Robert's scripting and his ability to frame each effect in a way that resonates with the audience.” –Laurence Hookway

"Red has released some very fine thinking in his first release 777. I expect to hear a lot more from him in the future. The idea for performing Equivoque in a sideways manner is worth the price of the PDF on its own, in my opinion. If you like what myself and others are doing in regards to updating methods and pushing the art into near prop-less approaches then be sure to check this out..." --Fraser Parker

"This book is an excellent value and I think it would be a very peculiar mentalist who didn't find several items of interest within its pages. Congratulations Robert on your first publication; it is in my opinion extremely unusual to find so much useable practical material in one book, very well done."--Ewen Wilson

"As far as 777 goes, I have to say that this has been the best purchase for my money since Train Tracking and Pygmalion Effects. If anything 777 is priced too low. There is so much usable material and so many great ideas. Too many times these day, releases are one item releases that are overpriced, for material that has been around before, or just quite frankly isn't worth it. As for the items, I love Creature Card and the marriage of the different methodologies involved. I really enjoyed lifelock as well, I have a similar routine where I unlock someone's phone with a code they come up with. Good Samaritan is also great....Again, I can't tell you how pleased I was with this purchase. I found a lot of good usable material for a fair and decent price. It has restored my faith in buying mentalism products again..."
--Justin Cortes

777 Effects in the Eyes of the Spectator:

Creaturecard: A spectator thinks of a random creature, and somehow the performer not only reveals the creature, but apparently an entire scene from the spectator's imagination. This can be totally billet-less.

LifeLock: For all the cell phone PIN reveal junkies out there, LifeLock has a unique twist in a growing genre. The spectator creates a new "life-code" based on personal events in her life, and the code opens the spectator's lock screen. Works only with iPhones and is compatible with IOS 8.0. You do NOT need to jailbreak your phone.

Ternbata: A unique take on Rick Maue's beautiful "Terasabos" using business cards, but works 100% of the time. A great effect to carry in your wallet and an idea you will use for other billet/card routines. Rick honored me with his blessing on this.

Good Samaritan: Another billet-less routine, the spectator imagines finding a wallet filled with cash, and you tell him exactly how much money is in the wallet. Nothing is written down, and the spectator’s choice of the amount of money is free. This can be performed on the phone and on Skype.

Card Camera: This is a mini-book in itself. It is a very simple card c###‪#‎g‬ system. It also contains a cellphone texting system, a number divination system, and a couple of sneaky ACAAN's you will like for just the right occasion.

Positively!: Originally published through Pablo Amira, this is my updated and improved 100% full-proof method for the classic Positive/Negative plot. One prediction. No switches. No sleights. No outs. The prediction stays untouched on the table the entire time. Guaranteed to work in English and Spanish only, but it is possible that it could be adapted to other languages.

Deckwavoque: A full-deck equivoque presentation that you will use. Presented as a "Personality Test," the spectator's interest will be primed, and by the time they realize they have chosen a card, it will be too late to backtrack. 

DeckwACAAN: A truly hands-off ACAAN, and the spectator believes his number and card are freely chosen.

The Willy of Oz: The performer guesses a classic movie from childhood that the spectators were only thinking of in their minds. A psi-force opportunity for use as a thematic "macro-effect."

The Kiss F#‪#‎ce‬: A new number f##ce that has limitless possibilities and maximum interest from your spectator. Works best for USA citizens.

Cold-Reading Queens: A combination fortune-telling and prediction with four queens using "The Kiss F##ce."
Personality of a F##ce: a re-introduction to the 37 F##ce that gives the apparent control back to the spectator.

777 is a PDF e-book (Approximately 150 pages in 16-point font). Many effects in this book depend on the English language. The version you are downloading is the 2nd Edition, released in April 2015.

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